Monday, July 20, 2009

Houston, I've left Texas.

Well, It's over. I've moved. Away from my dear Piddle. But that's okkie dokie hokey pokie because we have our FABULOUS text messages. I plan to make that an on-going Post. I have some funny Shiznittzle.. hehe.


Piddle: Hullo, Batman, I started rambling bout the similarities pet turtles and birthday cupcakes in the store tonight!

Batman: Uhmm.. Why? And what, exactly, are they?

Piddle: (well, I didn't save this message for some, god-awful reason, but remember it had something to do with her mothers dear co-worker who is new and she didn't want to scare him, but didn't want it to seem like she didn't care... That type of thing...)

Batman: Right. Okay. Whats up?

Piddle: Hahahahah umm... damn. idk how to spell the word I'm looking for... lets go with peaches then.

Batman: Loi. Why Peaches?

Piddle. Oh. Well, it made sense in my mind cause peaches stated wth the same letter if the word I was going to use but didn't know how to spell. I'm the dude who's playing the dude, disguised as another dude. But what if your the dude who doesn't know what dude he is?

Batman: WTF?

Piddle: Tropic Thunder= Madness. Anyhow, so Jackalopes are real, ya know?

Batman: no, dear, they aren't. Where did you hear this? My mama found they weren't real the hard way.

Piddle: Really, really. They're like a cross between a goat and a jackrabbit. Wait thats not right. They're like a gazeboe. No, a gazelle, or an antelope. Or like a baby kangaroo.. a Jacky? No! a Joey!! Oh, I don't remember. But, I'm almost positive they are real. Oh, really? What's the Hard way? ( I then forgot to tell her the hard way. But my actual reply is next.)

Batman: Pidge! They are NOT real! They are fake!

Piddle: I googled!! Ha! And... It said they were an imaginary animal that is a cross between a jackrabbit and a goat. So, they are real! In my mind! (To set the record straight, it is a cross between a Jackrabbit who taste yummy, and an Antelope, who ARE NOT vertically challenged... I'll post that story later.)

Batman: Antelope, Pidge.

Piddle: Google said goat or Antelope. Wherevdo (I think she had a typo there, but i"m never sure with her) you think they get the part from? You've gone off your rocker into the deep end of the pudding hole. I'm afraid, Watson, that we will have to arrest her for the acts of... Justifying the use of household items as wrecking balls, and Oh, Dear! Not the cantelopes! Snip (her cat) Shut up! Vlad (her friend in her mind, yet another story) says hi.

Batman: LMAO.. Wow. Are you okay? (I'm a genius when it comes to responses)...

Piddle: Urgh! You and your shenangigans. You want something done right, Do it yourself, then!!! I'll have no part of your ceiling fans turning into G-Force Guinea Pigs. Yes, I'd love onve, but not a smoothie. Those are a tad nasty... BLUE CHEESE!! AHAAAHA!! Why did the Chicken or the Egg have to come first? I thought.... oooo.. Pebbles..

Batman: (I had been watching HGTV at this time) Are you watching HGTV, because that was the order of the commercials... >.<

Piddle: No, I don't usually watch HGTV. But, hmmm, I may as well start. Never too late to further your education, I always say. I've got a ship! Do you happen to have Wings? Or know of where i can purchase some?

Batman: Yes, I have a wing shop in my bathroom.. ( I think there was more to it than that.)

Piddle: I have a bowling Alley in my house! We can just.. Oh, I don't know. I'd rather not get into the messy stuff. The Mob wouldn't like it. But it'd be funnn. Quit Whining. How's your Cocktail? (I haven't had a thing to drink in months. Where that came from, Only Lord knows..) No, I will NOT eat your virtuous dairy products you crazed Lunatics!

Batman: Hmm.. Maybe we should screw Saturns, bend is rings, Kill Lexus, take the cowboys bottle, and melt the lock and key idea.

Piddle: That was... This ostrich!!! Them.. I! Meh! Huckleberry Fin?! The tale of Peter fricken Rabbit was more...well... It's dark in my room. Mike is telling me to go to sleep. Don't say anything rash now. Hmm.. fjduskseudiz. (idk..)

Batman: Hello, Mike. Then Sleep. Maybe we should forget the Mob?

Piddle: I'm not so sure. Damn the TORPEDOES! Fire at will! The small voice in the back of my head is yelling "YES YES YES SLEEP YES" But idk to trust it. It could be a clown.

Batman: (Not my poem, actually, from Lanna.. Yes, dear, i read those.)
I gazed across a cloudy room, the only thing I could see was pasty. I wondered what it could be, but I really needed to pee. Maybe it was good that I did, because it saved my life. Edward had gone to find a Britney Spears, and everyone else had forgotten me. Jake had decided to marry a kitten, and I was no longer his priority. I decided to leave the pasty object to rescue my bladder. As I went to open the door, I heard a roar. A clown flew out me through the clouds, I couldn't even scream. I kicked him hard in the groin and stabbed him in the eye with a fork I had in my shoe.

Piddle: Hmm. I suppose I will sleep.

Batman: Okay, love. I see. Give my hello to Mike and my love to Vlad. Or is it the other way around...? Hmm. I'll try to sleep, as well. Levi's working yet again.

Piddle: My love to NiBy. (My Vlad)

That all took place at like, 2 AM!!!!! It was one night my love had to work the "night shift" We can't actually call it that because its work that shoul dbe done during the day, but it's too hot in the Oklahoma summers for him and his "co-workers" to do. I then proceeded to send this to my Best guy friend Richie, and his reply was "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I told him what it was and he said "it seemed as though you lost your mind!" I replied with "I almost have..."

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