Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fights with Exes...

A while back when I started datin my love Levi, a couple friends did NOT approve. They had been arguing, and threatening and stuff so I texted Piddle to save me. I was hysterical. So I texted her. and This is what happened: ( keep in mind shes like, 3 ft tall, and 5 lbs..)

Piddle: OMG! So I'm under the pillows and Snip walks over and I go " I'm hidin from you Snippie.. you gotta find me".. And then he's starin me in the face..hahaha... (Snippie is her kitty)

Batman: loi. ( I then tell her the whole story.)

Piddle: Well. Damn. Alright, thats it! I;m gonna kill them both, Then bring their sorry asses back to life and MB kill'em all over again and bring them back to life. I'll spare you all the Gory details... and then, if you want, you can kill them -smiles hopefully- SERIOUSLY?!? WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THAT? A REAL FRIEND??? yeah, cuz real friends totally blackmail each other. And... Uhmmm.. oh yeah, did i mention I'll kill them..?

Batman: please, do share, and be my guest.

Piddle: And like, no offense and all, but I'm getting the vibe that i'm a much better friend than they are. i woke up one day... Married to a pineapple! An UGLY pineapple!

Batman: You are.. and WTF?!

Piddle: Now I'm acting like a 4 yr old.... "escuse me, escuse me, welcome to my fort! NO! Dontgokitty!" Ahem..

Batman: wow..

Piddle: DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Super KITTY FIGHTING FORCE!!! We scratch peoples eyes out so you don't have to! Can i pwease haz teh yellow one? I like carboard and milk. Mac and CHEESE!!!

Batman: I'm confuzzled. are you okay?

Piddle: Bout five seconds ago woke up... married to a pony! GASP. You dont say... The Transformers are here! have you ever tried strawberry cheescake? No, I don't like that show.. Why do cows produce yogurt in the grand scheme of things? (No, she's NOT that stupid to think they do...)

Batman: Andrews cussin me out again...

Piddle: An. Drew. Hmmm.. Quite a predicament we have here, WATSON! Uhmm.. Oh, GOD, Lost my mind momentarily.. What's he saying??

and then I fell asleep at 3 in the morning....

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