Friday, August 7, 2009

Ice cream and Engagements...

Piddle: Okay, so mum and I were out talking by the pool tonight....

Batman: With ice cream?!? (we liked to talk and eat ice cream by the pool when I still lived there)

Piddle: Sadly, No... But we have this amazing vanilla stuff that tastes like cookies. Which I don't normally prefer vanilla ice cream, but this stuff is good. Anyhow, we were having a conversation.

Batman: About?

Piddle: Well, first we were discussing the usual 'who's happy here in TX, and who isn't, and who wouldn't be happy no matter where he lives, and whether or not moving here was a good choice or not and then she says something completely random but reaally ironic in a way. I have it quoted word for word if you want it.

Batman: Yes. I do.

Piddle: She goes: "Just think, if we hadn't left MD, you'd have quit gymnastics with no place to go. You'd be in Kinsey's bitch clique. You'd be engaged to Ryan... cause that's how those Eastern shore folk are, they get hitched young.. Mrs. Debbie and I would be related!"

Batman: ( I sent no response at this time since i had gone to run the dog)

Piddle: Hello..?

Batman: Sorry, Running the dog... like i need more running.. . I liked the Ryan part a lot, dear. (In previous posts {if mentioned} he's also called MB)..

Piddle: Ahahahahahahah... It was soooo funny. And UNEXPECTED.

Batman: I bet so.

Piddle: It was! My MUM said that. My very own MOTHER!! Said those exact words!!!! Which, can only mean one thing...

Batman: And that is?

Piddle: THAT WOMANS ON TO ME, ON TO ME, I TELL YOU!!! I mean, Think about it. Why else would she throw that out for good measure? For her HEALTH? Is this going to get blogged..? :/

Batman: It should.. WAIT...!

Piddle: I agree. It should. WAIT WHAT?!?


Piddle: Whaa?? No. And, hypothetically, if she had, why would that answer the question?

Batman: IDK! I think i have run to much for a day, dear, because, at this precise moment in time, i happen to me GIGGLY.. PUMPED AND I COULD KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!! (Im in softball, and that morning we had run 3 miles, and i then ran another two that night, sprinting most thanks to my dog)

Piddle: Hahaha. I happen to feel very sleepy and curious as to where exactly the HELL that statement came from. D'ya Think it was the night I found out he still liked me? Remember, she came in and said " I can here you screaming..." and then put two and four together and knows something she thinks i don't think she knows but im on to her just as much as she's on to me??

Batman: Possibly. Although that was rather confusing..

Piddle: Yes. Well. I'm going to go to sleep, I'll text you tomorrow on the very same subject. Until then, G'day mate! whoops! I meant goodnight!

Batman: Uh huh. Goodnight.